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REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Once you've reviewed the event details, and decided you'd like to join us, you MUST sign up at the bottom of this page.

Rescheduled: Riding The Silver Comet to The Georgia/Alabama State Line & Back: 100 miles

The Basics:
Event Type:Bike
Event Location: Oxford, Georgia   Bike: Rescheduled:  Riding The Silver Comet to The Georgia/Alabama State Line & Back: 100 miles   National Weather Service Forecast
Date(s) & Time:Sat, Nov 7 2020  7:30 am >> Sat, Nov 7 2020 5:30 pm
Registration Opens: Tue, Aug 11 2020 10:00 pm
Registration Cut Off: Sat, Nov 7 2020 7:00 am
Event Duration:10 Hours
Difficulty Rating:D5: Difficult (Exploratory)
Distance:100 Miles
Trip Leader(s):
Tom Jarosz
Email Trip Leader(s)
You must be logged in to get the Trip Leader contact information.
Member Cost:None

Participant Info:
Who's Invited: Members Only, 21 And Older Only
Maximum Group Size:10
Minimum Group Size:4
Number Registered So Far: 8 / 0 (To see who's signed up, log in to the Member Area)
Are Dogs Permitted: No

Note: This is an "EXPLORATORY" trip. This means that there are parts of this trip, or perhaps the whole trip, that is new to your Trip Leader(s). However, they are confident that this will not be an issue.
This note is here so that you can make an informed decision. When a Trip Leader isn't personally familiar with a trip, there is an increased chance of things not going as planned and you need to be prepared. The Trip Leader may have additional details in the itinerary.




* This event is dependent on state and local government direction and AOC Leadership direction

* We will adhere to any social distancing directives that may be in place

  * This event requires registrants to have completed a minimum of recent road rides of 50-60 miles, with rolling hills

* Must be able to complete at least one 70-75 mile road ride 2-4 weeks prior to main event ride 

* All registrants are subject to review, screening and approval by the trip leader(s)

* If you're a new member or don't have a riding history with us, please email the trip leader(s) explaining your recent biking experience & history. You may be moved to the waiting list until we hear back from you and approve you for this event

* This ride is exploratory so participants should be flexible & adventurous!

* Itinerary is subject to change before and during event - if weather or other circumstances not permitting, event may be rescheduled to the following weekend, future date, or subject to cancellation


  Join us for this scenic fall foliage group bike ride on the Silver Comet! 


Our Group Riding Plan       


Our plan is to group ride 100 miles on the Silver Comet Route at a 2 wheel moderate pedal pace (not too fast, not too slow).  We will give ourselves  approximately 10 +/- hours to complete the event so we can achieve our riding goal and cross it off our bucket list.

To do a “self-supported” century ride we are going to make this a double out and back.  We will start at the Rockmart Trailhead (mile marker 37.6) and head west to the GA/AL state line (mile marker 61.5).  48 miles round trip.  We will re-group at the Cedartown Depot Trailhead on the way out to the state line and on the way back.  In Rockmart we will have a chance to re-supply and address any other issues.  Then we will do our second out and back from Rockmart to the Florence Rd. Trailhead (mile marker 11.7).  52 miles round trip, to complete our 100 mile ride.  We will re-group at the Tunnel on the way out and at the Rambo Trailhead on the way back.

Please arrive a little early to prepare for the ride and make introductions before we hit the trail st 7:30 AM (Bring a bike light since it will be dark outside). We look forward to seeing you for a great ride! map.shtml


****Should it rain or look like rain this trip will be cancelled**** 




Important Notes

For safety, helmet required to be worn during this event.  No helmet, no ride. 

Wear light or bright colored clothing and working lights on both front and back of your bike for visibility.

We recommend a road bike although you can ride a hybrid.

Carry your cell phone for emergencies..

If you're a Garmin user, please join our 'Atlanta Outdoor Club (AOC) Garmin Users' group to connect with other AOC Garmin users and track your activity.  Join us at:  

Itinerary is subject to change before and during the event - please check the posting and notes section often for updates and changes!

Required Items to Bring:

Front bike light

Helmet (No helmet, no ride!)

Cell phone (Turned 'on') with trip leader(s) phone numbers, and route map

Water and bathrooms are very limited along the route so we suggest bringing enough water or Gatorade and snacks to last the entire ride.  We will look at alternative ways to restock on water and food as we get closer to the event date.  No guarantees.

Extra bike inner tube, CO2 cartridge or small pump

Recommended Items to Bring:
Use our Event Checklists to make sure you have everything you need.

Dress appropriate to weather

Bright clothing - you want drivers to see you on the road

Biking glasses or sun glasses

Biking clothing - pants, shirt, gloves, shoes, etc.

Bicycle tools 

Whistle to signal group for breakdowns, emergencies, etc.


Chafing cream - Body Glide, vaseline, etc.

Money for any store stops, emergencies, etc.

How to Get There:
Event Directions:

You can also check and click on Polk then click on Rockmart.


GPS address:

Rockmart Plaza Parking Lot (Corner ot Water street and between W. Church & E. Church Street)

Directions - Overview

  • Rockmart trail access is in the city of Rockmart in Polk County, Georgia

Hwy-278 is northwest of Atlanta, and runs east to west towards Alabama


  • Note: Highway-278 mile markers start over in every county
  • Go to MILE MARKER 27-28 on Hwy-278 in Polk County
  • Between mile marker 27-28, you'll find
    • A signal tower
    • Coot's Lake
    • 4-way intersection (Hwy-278, Coot's Lake Rd, and Old Atlanta Hwy)
  • Turn towards the signal tower onto OLD ATLANTA HWY
    • East-bound side of Hwy-278
    • Old Atlanta Hwy turns into Piedmont Ave
  • Go approximately 3.4 MILES on Old Atlanta Hwy/Piedmont Ave, and TURN LEFT ON ELM ST
    • Elm St is a 3-way red light
    • Across from Second Baptist Church, next to House of China
  • Go 0.5 MILES on ELM ST
  • Turn LEFT ON MARBLE ST, next to the Ace Hardware
    • You'll be in downtown Rockmart
    • The Silver Comet and Riverwalk Park are behind the parking lot located at:   Rockmart Plaza at the the corner ot Water Street and between W. Church & E. Church Street


Century ride training plan: blog/

Bicycle Hand Signals: 
htt ps:// content/uploads/2018/08/bicyclehandsignals.jpg

How to fix a flat tire:

5 Essential Skills Every Cyclist Should Learn:

How to change gears:


* We encourage all members to follow our Etiquette Guidelines while participating in AOC events.

Cancellation/Partial Attendance:   Please review the AOC cancellation policy.