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BBC Ride - Early Rise, Early Finish

The Basics:
Event Type:Bike
Event Location: White   Bike: BBC Ride - Early Rise, Early Finish  National Weather Service Forecast
Date(s) & Time:Sun, Jul 16 2023  7:30 am >> Sun, Jul 16 2023 10:30 am
Registration Opens: Sun, Jul 9 2023 6:00 pm
Registration Cut Off: Sun, Jul 16 2023 7:15 am
Event Duration:3 Hours
Difficulty Rating:D4: Moderate to Difficult
Distance:31 Miles
Trip Leader(s):
Tom Jarosz
Email Trip Leader(s)
You must be logged in to get the Trip Leader contact information.
Member Cost:None

Participant Info:
Who's Invited: Members Only, 21 And Older Only
Maximum Group Size:9
Minimum Group Size:4
Number Registered So Far: 6 / 0 (To see who's signed up, log in to the Member Area)
Are Dogs Permitted: No




            Our Group Riding Plan        



If you're looking for a fun and scenic way to start your day, why not join us for a bike ride at the Budweiser Plant in Cartersville, GA? You'll get to enjoy the fresh air, the low traffic, and the beautiful countryside views. Plus, you'll get to burn some calories and have some fun conversations with your fellow bikers.

We'll be following the 31 mile BBC route, which has some rolling hills and some challenging climbs. Don't worry, we're not racing or pushing ourselves too hard. We're just here to have a good time and pedal at a moderate pace. We'll stop every few miles to catch our breath, drink some water or Gatorade, and admire the scenery.

This is a no-drop ride, which means we won't leave anyone behind. But you should be able to keep up with the group and follow the route markings. We recommend using a road bike, unless you're confident that you can keep up with a hybrid bike. This is not a flat or easy ride, so be prepared for some adventure.

One more thing...this ride is for fun-loving people and those who enjoy being around others. Some of us like to make jokes, tell stories, and have a good laugh. If you're easily offended or prefer a quiet ride on a bike path, this ride is probably not for you. You've been warned!

Ride start time is 7:30 AM, so please show up 5-10 minutes early for introductions.





     Important Notes    


 For safety, helmet required to be worn during this event.  No helmet, no ride. 

Wear light or bright colored clothing and working lights on both front and back of your bike for visibility.

We recommend a road bike although you can ride a hybrid.

Budweiser lets riders park in the lot to the right.  Park on the side away from the factory along the edge of the lot (they are closed on Sundays). Please do not litter, change in the open, or urinate in their bushes.

If you're a Garmin user, please join our 'Atlanta Outdoor Club (AOC) Garmin Users' group to connect with other AOC Garmin users and track your activity.  Join us at: 

Itinerary is subject to change before and during the event.


     Our Scenic Bike Route    



Required Items to Bring:

Helmet (No helmet, no ride!)

Water and bathrooms are very limited along the route so we suggest bringing your own water or Gatorade and snacks.

Cellphone (For emergencies, breakdowns, pictures, etc.)

Recommended Items to Bring:
Use our Event Checklists to make sure you have everything you need.

Water or Gatorade, snacks as needed

Extra tube, CO2 cartridge or small pump

Front and back light (Not required but you want drivers to see you)

Bright clothing

Dress appropriate to weather

How to Get There:
Event Directions:

Address:  100 Busch Drive NE, Cartersville, GA

Directions:  North on I-75 to Cartersville-White Road exit, EXIT 296.  Keep right and take the ramp towards White. Merge onto Cassville White Road NE. Turn right onto Old Cass White. Old Cass White becomes Busch Dr NE.

* We encourage all members to follow our Etiquette Guidelines while participating in AOC events.

Cancellation/Partial Attendance:   Please review the AOC cancellation policy.