Sat, Oct 31 2015 - Halloween Hike at East Palisades (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Lyndsay, Joyce T.
Participants: |  | Joyce T., Lyndsay, Carolyn Naser, Carol, Sharon, Wendy, Beth Ash, Luz Maria, Linda H, Christa, Beth A., Dan A, Dave S |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:In true Halloween fashion, today's hike was full of tricks and treats. We had a great group with us - some costumed, some just "keepin' it real." Before we got started, there were tasty Halloween treats from Joyce and Lyndsay, including a little info on palm oil and orangutan-friendly candy!
Our route took us on a trick-y side path, treat-ing us to some beautiful areas before we switched back and caught up with the regular trail. It also helped us skip a hill on the way out to see the bamboo forest! From there, we continued to the rocky overlook at the end of the trail, then turned around and headed back towards our starting point. We followed those two treats (views) with a bit of a trick - a steep hike up the hill on the way back. But that just got us all the quicker to our next treat - another overlook of the Chattahoochee River. After one brief upward hike, we got the greatest treat of all: going downhill for the rest of the hike! We ended with a lovely riverside walk before reaching our cars. What a blast! Happy Halloween!