Sun, Mar 6 2016 - ***New Member Hike @ Mason Mill Park (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Mark, Stacey Johnson
Participants: |  | Mark, Stacey Johnson, Maureen L, Palestine Johnson, Anne Scarlett, Jay K Strosnider, Brianne, Suzanne, Dottie S, Eva, Florie, Monica, Charlie Cottingham, Laura V |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:What a beautiful day for a hike! We had a great group of people, mostly new members and a few somewhat new members. We made our way through the woods and took the boardwalk beside South Peachtree Creek to Medlock Park. We came back through the woods and along side the creek, passing the decaying Decatur Waterworks facility which is now covered in graffiti. We concluded our hike with Q&A for new members regarding AOC events & rules.