Sat, Oct 21 2017 - Explore New Trails at Frazier-Rowe Park in NE Atlanta (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): | |
Charlie Cottingham
Participants: | | Charlie Cottingham, Carmen Ibanez, Denise A, Jackie C, Helena F, Russell |
| |
Write Up:We six had a good time together hiking at Frazier-Rowe Park and at two other lovely DeKalb County nature preserves in the same part of town - Briarlake Forest and Mary Scott Park, which we easily accessed via brief carpool rides from the initial trailhead. It was fun having new member Carmen with us - a native of Madrid, Spain - on her first ever AOC event. The fall weather was delightful - in the mid-70s with bright blue skies and we stopped occasionally along the way to enjoy the flowers, trees and other fascinating flora & fauna. - Submitted by Charlie, 5:30 PM Sat