Fri, Feb 11 2011 - Lunch Time Hike: Chatt - Sope Creek (View Original Event Details)
Trip Leader(s): |  |
Tony C, Tom H
Participants: |  | Tony C, Rhett Smith, Joan, Marlene, Courtney H, Tom H, Joyce T., Arlene S, Mark, Michelle D, gail |
|  Click for Album |
Write Up:We had terrific (sunny and almost warm) weather for our Friday afternoon hike at the Cochran Shoals unit of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. There were a lot of trails closed due to revegetation and erosion control efforts, so we got creative and hiked 6+ miles of loops, starting at the Sope Creek parking lot, making our way to the Columns Drive area and finishing up with a trek along the creek, around Sibley Pond (where a pair of mallard ducks were lazily cruising around) and through the stone ruins of the Marietta Paper Company's mill. Maybe that groundhog got it right this year because we saw evidence everywhere that spring can't be too far off. The warmer weather has brought out wild ginger, pipsissewa (wintergreen) and crane fly orchid. The moisture from last week's snow melt, followed by the recent milder temperatures, created perfect growing conditions for a lot of different types of fungi, particularly turkey tail mushrooms which we spotted frequently. Please check out our photo album and see for yourself just how beautiful and historically interesting this area is.
Tom and Courtney